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Is it possible for a website to be popular without any ads or SEO? - Printable Version

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Is it possible for a website to be popular without any ads or SEO? - Neerob Babaji - 05-15-2014 09:37 PM

In short I am planning to put up a website. But I cannot afford any sorts of ads or SEO. My question is if I will end up with a great website with no audience or visitors?

- polors - 05-15-2014 09:40 PM

Nope. It took thousands of dollars to get Facebook running when it started. That was only to get it started, publicity cost much more. I'm sorry to say but it will not be popular, in my opinion.

- The Tadpole - 05-15-2014 09:51 PM

No ads on your website makes it nicer to use. Ads on other websites for your website give it publicity, I wasn't sure which one you were specifying.

It depends on whether it's an idea that people want, but hasn't yet been created. If there's already a version of what you're creating, you'll need significant advertising to tell users of the original website why your one is better. However, if people are looking for a website like yours but can't find one, they're likely to find your website as soon as Google indexes it.

- jamwalt73 - 05-15-2014 09:55 PM

Don't think so, ads seem to be the life blood of the internet.

- Pradeep - 05-15-2014 10:03 PM

You can, if your website is so interesting for users. but it takes more time & you have to keep posting about your website in free online media.

- Vikram - 05-15-2014 10:16 PM

if you don't have money than you can use social media to promote it free of cost. if anyone will not be aware of your site than how it will get popular ?

- Janus - 05-15-2014 10:21 PM

Hi there!

Yes, it's possible, but it will certainly take a lot of time and probably a major off-the-Internet and social media campaign. Only special websites have done it in the past, like Facebook and Twitter.

However, if you do have a great website, then you certainly HAVE done SEO in an indirect manner. All about on site SEO is related to making your site convenient to users, and crawlable to search engines.

Having said that however, if the subject matter of your website is the same as thousands of other sites, then you certainly need to resort to SEO in order to get ahead of the competition. Try asking help from SEO firms and companies, like in order to help you out.

Remember, you may not resort to it, but crossing paths with it is inevitable Smile