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what do you do when you see someone smoking? - Printable Version

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what do you do when you see someone smoking? - Umm Sulayman - 05-15-2014 09:52 PM

For example on Instagram one of your followers outs up a picture of then smoking a joint or even shisha.
What would you do? Advise them or ignore?
And if the person is Muslim advise only if u know them?
@Hassan.. Oh Yeah I smoke shisha but I stop others from doing it...SIKE. Use your brain please.
@safiyyah..yes me too, when I have to walk by a stranger smoking I cover my nose to let them know that it is repulsive. did you know that 2nd hand smoke is even more dangerous?

@mohammad..yes we must advise another muslim because Allah says that if we do not have amr bil-maruf wa nahy an il-munkar (enjoining good and forbidding evil) our iman is not complete & Allah will punish us if we fail to do so.
we should help one another, in a respectful and humble manner, because once Abdullah ibn Masud radiAllah anhu was asked "who are the living dead?" to which he replied "those who never command something good and never forbid something bad."...

- susu - 05-15-2014 09:55 PM

Ignore them, you aren't the one doing it are you?
Advising them or lecturing makes a rebelling kid

- Berat - 05-15-2014 10:07 PM

I havent used instagram for months so i dont remember quite well if you can send private messages to them or not, if not it is not good to comment in their pic since everyone can see it.
If you decide to advise them then you should do it in private. If they dont want to listen to you then fine, dont advise them.
After all you are not a guardian over them.

- Hassan-Jose is #1 - 05-15-2014 10:24 PM

Well my cousin smokes bud and he says that the Quran doesn't say it's harram

Do you smoke sheesha?

But you never said you stop people from smoking

Just a qn done need to go all extreme on me

- Fallen Shadow - 05-15-2014 10:30 PM

Danger To Your Health
Allah says, "...make not your own hands contribute to your destruction..." (Qur'an 2:195); "...nor kill yourselves..." (Qur'an 4:29). It is universally understood that cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that often ultimately result in death. Smokers are highly at risk for heart disease, emphysema, oral cancer, stroke, etc. There are hundreds of poisonous and toxic ingredients in the cigarette itself that the smoker inhales straight into the lungs. In an authentic hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said that "Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever in the fire of Hell." Over 3 million people worldwide die from smoking-related causes each year.
Danger To Your Family's Health
In the Qur'an, Allah says: "Those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly bear on themselves a glaring sin" (Qur'an 33:58). And the Prophet Muhammad said that "there should be neither harming, nor reciprocating harm.” In another hadith, the Prophet said: "Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt his neighbor." Those around the smoker inhale what is known as "second-hand smoke" - the unfiltered, poisonous waste that goes in the air around the smoker. There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, over 40 of which are known to cause cancer. Second-hand smoke causes or aggravates asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems, especially in children.

The addiction to tobacco is a physical response that often interferes with one's life and worship. For example, smoking is clearly forbidden during the daytime fast of Ramadan. Many addicted smokers spend their fasting days sleeping, cranky, and short-tempered, just counting the hours until they can have a cigarette at sunset. The most severely addicted will wait outside the mosque door for the adhan, and break their fast by lighting up, before taking even food or water.

Noxious Smell
Muslims are advised to refrain from eating raw onions and garlic - simply as a courtesy to those around them because of their smell. The same goes even more so for the reek of cigarettes, which permeates everything around the smoker - hair, clothing, home, car, etc. The Prophet Muhammad said: “Whoever has eaten from such greens as garlic, onions or leek should keep away from our mosque.” Many smokers try to hide the smell by using breath mints or perfume. This does not get rid of the smell, it only masks it. Often the combination of smells is even more nauseating.

Waste of Money
Allah says, "...But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the devils...” (Qur'an 17:26-27} And in an authentic hadith the Prophet said that: "Allah hates for you three things: gossiping, begging, and wasting money." In the U.S. and other countries, cigarettes are taxed heavily in order to discourage this habit and reimburse the government for the overwhelming health care costs to care for those afflicted with diseases caused by smoking. Smokers often spend thousands of dollars a year that literally just go up in smoke.

- 317 - 05-15-2014 10:41 PM

near friend advice them, My friend smoke cigarette and i call him for "cancer" until he quit, show them clip about what smoking do with lungs and tell them if someone die because of harming his body he will be punished in hell
if its a muslim you want get more hasanat and increase your iman you can advice even if you not know them and about other it will be good to but its very hard it depends if you wana do it.

- Safiyah - 05-15-2014 10:56 PM

hmm well if close to me i'll tell them to stop even If its shisha because that too is wrong
but if its a stranger I usually cover my face and basically make it clear to them that that's disgusting and unhealthy and that they are ignorant who are not destroying their own lives but others as well

- Darknafu - 05-15-2014 10:58 PM

best to ignore and shirk the responsibility, let Allanh take care of things

- Ruchjat K - 05-15-2014 11:07 PM

Salam Firstly we must advice him/her by explaining that smoking is haram in Islam because it will give negative effect to our health such as high blood tension,stroke,lung cancer,impotency and unhealthy fetus in the womb If he/she ignored our advice,it is better we take a seat far away from him/her or we go away.

- Mintee - 05-15-2014 11:19 PM

if its not near me in a photo or far away from me, I dont do anything,
but if its near me in a restaurant or closed confined place, I ask them politely to put it out and open a door or window.. cause we non smokers have a right to clean air inside a closed building... smokers dont have the right to polute the air for others... if they want to kill their cells inside their lungs they can do it out in the open.. where the air will be cleansed eventually