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Does anyone know a website that gives cheap ways to achieve SEO? - Printable Version

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Does anyone know a website that gives cheap ways to achieve SEO? - Kathy - 05-16-2014 02:25 AM

I am new to all this and am realizing that if I threw money at all the different SEO companies we'll be out of business in a week. Are there any honest website that give great SEO tips?

- vicseo - 05-16-2014 02:33 AM

Here's a comprehensive article from Google on how to achieve high Page Ranking as well as high ranking at Yahoo.

The most effective way to advertise on the Internet is
to first set up a website and publish its domain name
on major search directories such as, [at and since 85% of Internet shoppers rely on these
search directories to provide them with goods and
services. In a sense, these search directories are a
very large Internet Yellow Pages.

Nevertheless, should your website or opening webpage
fail to contain "generic" keywords, then anyone using
such "generic" queries will not be able to discover
your website. Your domain name [URL] of your website,
in a sense, will be invisible, undiscoverable.

You may want to consider some simple algorithms which,
when observed and committed in designing of a website
with placement of various critical metatags that can
surely achieve a high search engine presence and
increase Internet traffic to your website. These
metatag strategies work well with published webpages
at Google and Yahoo.

Design: Should you create an extensive Flash-based
website, make sure to fill-in the property entries
such as the Title, Description and Keywords. Failing
to do so, leaves no hard HTML or ALT resource that can
be readily indexed by search robots. Also consider the
Internet audience and their incoming setup. For
example, if they are on analog/dialup, Flash webpages
take too long to load up and therefore analog users
will likely lose interest and discontinue entering the
Flash site. On the other hand, anyone on hi-speed DSL
lines, will welcome Flash pages which load quickly. So
before designing a pure Flash websitge, ask the simple
question, "Who's my end user - is he on dialup or
DSL?" And if you had to choose between these two users
for maximum marketability, then select analog users
since 80% of most resident users are still analog
Internet subscribers and pure HTML designed webpages
is best for them.

A non-Flash-based website which relies on hard text,
is far easier to be indexed by search robots. Limit
the use of stylized text saved as .gifs since as a
graphic, they are not indexable by search robots.

Avoid use of frames since any number of search robots
are unable to properly classify textual material.

Placement of Metatags:

A ranking or search order does take place with Google
and Yahoo and it begins with the "Title" metag which
should consist of no more than 65 characters separated
by commas. The "Title" should describe in generic
terms, the goods and services, followed by a location
from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state.
The placement of a domain name which is not generic
within the "Title" is not appropriate, unless your
domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

The second metatag is the "Description" which is
usually 25-30 words to form a complete sentence which
best describes one's goods and services.

And the very last category - "Keywords" are also
somewhat limited to 15-16 words which can be plural
and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries
which could be mistaken as "spamdexed entries" which
is defined as the loading, and submission of
repetitive words into a particular metatag category.
"Spamdexing" when discovered on a webpage and reported
to Google's can result in the
elimination of your website from their search

Good luck!

- mantra - 05-16-2014 02:36 AM

well.. Search engine optimization (SEO) is your starting point for getting traffic. After all, Google has to "like" your web pages, and people have to be able to find them. All SEO means is making your pages human and Google friendly.

If you need for more information about the SEO just click here :

trust me..

- Nikunj P - 05-16-2014 02:40 AM

you can ask

they are best on seo services in all aspects.
They will do all you need.with a best efforts.

They do only manual submission and their charges are Smile nearly very low when you compared them with the results.

- pleeker - 05-16-2014 02:47 AM

At the risk of being too self-promotional, I offer a 20-page "How to Do SEO" ebook that only costs $25. I also blog regularly and you can probably learn what you need by reading the BESTS POSTS category of my blog. I'll put the URL below.

Best of luck. If you spend time, you can learn the SEO basics yourself without spending tons on an SEO agency.

- David D - 05-16-2014 02:59 AM

There are plenty of FREE resources for learning SEO and SEM tactics (I like, but you'll have to do the learning yourself. SEO is a very time consuming, ongoing process and is just not cheap.

If someone says they can do something for you for $50, $100, it most likely will do little to nothing for your sites SERPs. I would suggest learning on your own if you have a limited budget.

My tip to you is to concentrate on putting the best possible content, design, functionality and links on your site, and continuously update your content.

- chris m - 05-16-2014 03:02 AM

First of all, what you want are "VISITS", not "hits". Hits is a 90's term that many SEO companies use to scam their clients. For example "I can double your "hits" within a month. Well, all you have to do is double the amount of pictures on the site. Your "hits" will double even though it isn't bringing anymore visitors.

- lifeplayer - 05-16-2014 03:12 AM

That's very simple, the best SEO company shall be best in SEO. In this case, mean they are good in keyword research and SERP. So, you just need to goolgle with the keyword "SEO company" then the first three of the company shall be good enough. However, you shall learn at least the basic on SEO too.

- AnnieCushing - 05-16-2014 03:25 AM

Search Engine Watch ( provides a panoply of free resources to bring you up to speed on SEO. The site has a category tailored for newbies (in the left navbar) called Search Engine Marketing 101 that covers the basics. And you can drill down from there in your search for answers.

They also offer a host of e-newsletters targeting toward specific aspects of SEO/SEM, as well as an RSS feed. (Look in the top navbar for these.)

I also can't recommend highly enough using an RSS reader (like Google Reader) to stay up on industry insights and advances. This site offers a pretty comprehensive list of resources: Add your fav sites and blogs to your reader, and the updates will come to you – instead of you constantly having to search for answers.

Another great source for info about all things SEO is Twitter. I provide SEO updates on a daily basis with links to all kinds of industry news, updates, advances, etc. You can follow me at

Hope this helps. Smile


- puredealer - 05-16-2014 03:41 AM

Although the cases may not apply exactly to your niche, we have some great free ideas and real case studies with samples on our blog:

ePress Releases are cheap and free
Blogs are cleap and free
Youtube methods, etc etc