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I posted a pic of us together on FB - he panicked? - Printable Version

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I posted a pic of us together on FB - he panicked? - Love me some YA - 05-16-2014 03:03 AM

First of all, let me start by explaining that I am not a teenager (because this question will probably make me sound like I am). I am 31 years old and have just started 'dating' a guy who is 32. We've both had our share of hurt from past relationships, but were going to try to give it a go anyway and move on. We met through a local theatre where I had gotten a role in a show. We hit it off immediately and quickly began 'seeing' each other. We were part of the group of other people involved in theatre, and they all knew our couple status because he never failed to hold my hand, kiss me, praise my acting, etc. in front of everyone. It was just a given that we were a couple.

Here's where the problem lies. I had taken a bunch of pictures at the end of the show of everyone involved and posted them on my facebook. In those pictures, one of them was of him giving me a kiss. Since he's my FB friend, along with all the others involved in the theatre, he saw the pics. It never dawned on me that it would be a problem to post them. But, he confronted me on it and said that it was symbolic of a little more than he was ready for right now and wished I hadn't posted them.

I was really hurt over him saying that. I deleted the pictures, of course, but now I'm at a loss on how to proceed. Should I just stop seeing the guy - was that his brush off? Or is he really just 'scared' of commitment? We are really close - we talk about things, etc., and we had talked about our relationship status a little earlier on (both talking about our fears, etc.), but once things had progressed to us showing public affection openly, I didn't really see the need to 'discuss' it anymore because I thought it was evident.

So, what's your take on this?

- auftrit - 05-16-2014 03:19 AM

Why don't you just take a step back and let him make the next move?
Since he got so upset about such a little thing, maybe the relationship isn't where you thought it was. Wait to see what's in his mind.

- mseger1 - 05-16-2014 03:27 AM

So he does not anyone to know he is seeing you??? Wanting to keep his options open maybe?
Yea thats not a good sign and may want to reconsider if he is right for you and how long do you need to go out before he decides its ok to let people know that your with him??

- Tony D - 05-16-2014 03:28 AM

I think that he has another GF that is a friend of his on FB that may see the pics. That is the only explanation that I can think of why he freak out.