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My laptop won't connect to the internet? - Printable Version

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My laptop won't connect to the internet? - Ellie - 05-16-2014 05:35 AM

So for over a year my Acer laptop (windows 8) has worked fine with my wireless internet connection, until about a week ago when this tiny yellow triangle appeared over the connection. My laptop shows my network, and the internet works on every other electrical device in the house.

I have tried cmd in run and found that my laptop is sending details to the network adapter fine but is not receiving them back.

I have double checked my internet is defiantly switched on.

Even sometimes when I click on the internet and it says 'connected' (but still has the triangle) it comes up with 'This page can't be displayed'

Please help me!

- Erwin - 05-16-2014 05:42 AM

if its a wifi network, verify if your other devices, cellphones can connect to the internet. If it does, this means, there's something you just missed, that is why your connection got lost. This sudden lost of internet connection could be caused by dust inside your laptop or misconfiguration of your internet settings could be caused by 3rd party sites (pleae avoid that)
