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How can I convince my parents!!!? - Printable Version

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How can I convince my parents!!!? - 589 - 05-16-2014 08:06 AM

How can I convince my mother to use her credit card? I want to buy a game from Steam, but I don't have a debit or credit card. I've offered to compensate for the game and the taxes, and do the dishes for a month. She thinks that her PIN number will be stolen if she uses it on the internet. I've explained to her that Steam and PayPal are both completely free, but she only gets angry and tells me that I'm ruining her day. This is the first time I've asked her so no, I'm not a spoiled brat or anything of the sort. Actually she's perfectly happy using her credit card over the phone to buy clothing, but when it to comes to the internet she avoids it like the plague!!! What do I have to do? Up to this point I've paid for most of my PC games over the counter in cash! But they don't sell the game I'm looking at in any stores aside from the digital ones. Must I make a power point to convince her? An article? Should I get someone else to explain that it is safe!!!? HELP ME! T_T

- Brandon W - 05-16-2014 08:21 AM

that's easy buy a pre paid card at wal mart. You can use it over the internet. It sounds like your mom doesn't have a problem using the card whether it's over the phone or internet even though banks protect you since they are insured. You just have to report the problem in a timely manner. Well no one wants to go through that anyways.

Assuming you can't get your mother to help, a trustworthy friend who is holding down a job would be happy to do it for a few bucks on the side (only offer the extra money if they are reluctant as some friends will just help you for free)

- Qwerty - 05-16-2014 08:24 AM

she has obviously heard this information, presented as a fact somewhere, (probably CNN or FOX news) and is unwilling to listen to anything different. the truth is that using credit cards on the internet does have its risks. if you had malware/virus on your computer, or the site that you used the card at was compromised, then that info could be harvested and sold or used illegally. however, online transactions are probably as secure as they have ever been. 99.9% of sites use encrypted connections when processing sensitive information and take preventative measures to ensure that customer data is unreadable, even in the event that they are compromised. use a good password when making the account (a new original password....not "monkey" for example).
the truth is that her card info is entered into a computer at some company as she gives it out over the phone anyway, making it as vulnerable as if it was entered into a site.
just remember, the more you try to convince her or use jargon to explain why it is safe, she will stop listening more. maybe she would listen to this (or another persons) answer?

- Ryan - 05-16-2014 08:37 AM

There are no taxes that I know of on steam.
But you can get free steam games at I have used the site before, so I know it is legit.

- Bob - 05-16-2014 08:53 AM

You can get a free gift card here.