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Google Hummingbird & Penguin Updates – How To Fight Back in 2014? - Printable Version

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Google Hummingbird & Penguin Updates – How To Fight Back in 2014? - 578 - 05-16-2014 08:38 AM

You might have worked harder and spent many months to plan out your SEO strategy to recover from Penguin 2.0, in 2013 and finally you’ve recovered from it. It seems that just a few days back we were talking about the Google Penguin 2.0 update, but that’s not all from Google. Now enter Hummingbird and Penguin 2.1!

- Chintan - 05-16-2014 08:47 AM

Website Interlinking – Work more on a method of interlinking. You can use a specific interlinking method with an exact keyword anchor structure or you can create your own internal link-juice that can help boost up search engine ranking without any external backlink.

Website Structure – Use a precise strategy that capitalizes on creating a symbiotic relationship between all the pages and posts.

Stop focusing more on link building and think more about quality content.

If something is affected by spam, fix it!

Having your website penalized due to Hummingbird and Penguin 2.1 update is of course frustrating, but understanding and identifying things that you should avoid could help you prepare your Google Hummingbird and penguin friendly SEO strategy for the future updates.

Visit our website and learn more about search engine optimization services

- kamala - 05-16-2014 08:55 AM

on page seo is always better it is also called white hat seo, they are so many companies working for seo but project amount is huge like 1000$ per month , You can hire people from the source link affordable price Smile

- Duncan - 05-16-2014 09:04 AM

Oh! Look!

Greymatter asked the question and was answered by someone (having just joined today) who provided a link to a greymatter webiste!

What are the chances?

Do these people actually believe their own SEO baloney?

We love the smell of spam first thing in the morning.

- Ayush - 05-16-2014 09:12 AM


We all wake up only when a hard-hitting algorithmic update comes to the fore.
Talking about your question, mobile searches are all set to outnumber in the upcoming times. So, conencting this trend with PC culture, I advise to focus on audience building.

By this, write on how to, what is etc kind of content. Reason being, content would make you someone to get 'noticed' in your niche area. Result would be positive social media followers and with same good SEO checklist, I think things would be safer.

I repeat, lots of content generation. Take care of originality of the content.


- Jackson Tom - 05-16-2014 09:19 AM

Focus on Domain Authority and Citation value of website.

Don't go for low quality back links and Tray with Responsive website design, so we can target mobile visitors too.

Humming Bird is based on Mobile search.

- apurbo - 05-16-2014 09:31 AM

We all wake up only when a hard-hitting algorithmic update comes to the fore.
Talking about your question, mobile searches are all set to outnumber in the upcoming times. So, conencting this trend with PC culture, I advise to focus on audience building.

By this, write on how to, what is etc kind of content. Reason being, content would make you someone to get 'noticed' in your niche area. Result would be positive social media followers and with same good SEO checklist, I think things would be safer.

- Janus - 05-16-2014 09:43 AM

No, you do not fight the updates - like all the current trends in web design and SEO, you ADAPT to it in order to garner positive results like what companies like are doing. Just conform to the updates and algorithms that Google and the other search engines are rolling out of the carpet and you will certainly reach success in the near future.