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Will people buy crocheted and knitted items? - Printable Version

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Will people buy crocheted and knitted items? - wainersgirl73 - 10-16-2012 01:20 AM

My friend and I love to crochet and knit things and finally we decided to open our own facebook page. We are not sure if anyone will actually buy anything. The only people that have checked us out so far are of course our family. What do you all think? Is it a lost cause? Here is the link to our page if you want to check it out!

- tabi - 10-16-2012 01:28 AM

the older crowd would probably buy if there not overly expensive. 35 and up age group

- Ginny - 10-16-2012 01:28 AM

Hmmm, I'm not sure. Honestly, I'm not sure if younger people will want to be crocheted items because they seem sort of old lady-ish---but don't let this make you give up! Keep persevering. Over time, who knows, you guys might end up millionaires or something. I've read TONS of stores about teens who start their own business and it starts up slow but they end up rich like 5 years later. Follow your dreams!

- Imogen - 10-16-2012 01:28 AM

I think some people will buy them, you will not make millions but you will probably sell some items! It look like they are well made, so good luck. Hope this helps Smile x

- Elena - 10-16-2012 01:28 AM

Hi, I'm 15. I absolutely love knitted sweaters, they have to be soft though. I also love knitted hats for the fall.

- Hollers - 10-16-2012 01:28 AM

Hi, I'm so happy to hear about a young person that's into crochet! I'm 28 and therefore would likely be considered an old lady by High School standards... plus I am what many call an "old soul" but I digress. I LOVE crochet! My Nana taught me when I was very young and again when I was in High School (11 years ago...) but last summer I got a bee in my bonnet to crochet something and alas my Nana is gone, ergo I retaught myself from youtube tutorials and am totally into it now, I even crocheted most of my Christmas presents last year and they were VERY well received!

I am anti-FB so I can't check out your wares, but I would say depending on what your making, crafting is getting quite popular again (with the young and old!) AND- Good quality items never really go out of style. I would suggest you create a store on ETSY or EBAY though as more like-minded customers will find you there as opposed to FB where very few buyers will find you. Check out some other crocheters and knitters online and see what's for sale and some prices to get ideas of what's "in" and get you started with your business!

Oh, and check out this story about a group of three High School GUYS who got into crochet and are changing the world! Very inspiring!

Best of luck and keep it up! Smile