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My new friends keep asking for my fb? - Printable Version

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My new friends keep asking for my fb? - 376 - 05-16-2014 10:31 AM

But i dont wanna add them back because i feel like my fb is sooo boring and not too much action going on :/ so i avoid the convo, some added me but i never added them back cause i dont know why but im scared theyre not gonna want to be my friend anymore and think im lame, aha. thanks for your answers!

- Ayan - 05-16-2014 10:38 AM

I had like 50 friends on Facebook, and no picture, and my status would say "So bored", I added people, friends, and people who I see around school. Now I have 546 friends, a cool profile picture, and my status would be say "Like for a rating" or something. So you have to start somewhere. Don't be scared to add them, just say you don't go on Facebook a lot, and over time you'll build up the amount of friends you haveSmile that's what Facebook is all about. I'm 14Smile

- Jen_ - 05-16-2014 10:40 AM

Tell them you don't have a facebook.

- cakeman1995 - 05-16-2014 10:46 AM

FB is no big deal, just add them. It's not like its your life or anything... heck, if you don't add them, you might come across as a snob. They won't judge you for not having much FB action, in fact, they'd probably think better of you for it. Cheers Big Grin

- 316 - 05-16-2014 10:54 AM

Umm. It really doesn't matter. Add them or not. They're not gonna stop being your friend just because you don't wanna add them. Not if they're real friends anyways. Don't worry about it. Its not that big of a problem, its small.

- ashley - 05-16-2014 10:58 AM

tell him you did but it got reported or deletes by your parents they will understand if not and they keep asking you over and over tell them you dont have one and stop bugging you