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Will the FBI come to my house over a mistake? - Printable Version

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Will the FBI come to my house over a mistake? - 906 - 05-16-2014 11:15 AM

I am really freaked out right now!!! Please only serious answers.
So, I feel really guilty, but I was watching random porn videos when I clicked one this tab popped up saying it was childporno and stuff and it wouldn't let me close out of it so I restarted my lap top cuz I freaking out. I would never watch anything like that disturbing.
It's been the third day and nothing has happened. Im worried the FBI will show up or send mail to my parents. Im only 15!!! I was curious.
I uninstalled google chrome (looked it up there) and deleted the history and I think the cookies.
Im not sure if it was legit or a virus.
Im never watching porn again that's for sure.

- Bruce - 05-16-2014 11:29 AM

The FBI is not coming, that is a virus.

The FBI would never warn you and give you time to destroy evidence.

- Alan - 05-16-2014 11:34 AM

If you actually would of taken a second to do a search, you'd know that this is an extremely common virus and an extremely common question asked on here.

- Dave - 05-16-2014 11:48 AM

No. The police can tell if you just clicked something by mistake and got the heck out of there or if you're sharing illegal downloads.

- DJ Seeger - 05-16-2014 11:50 AM

As previously stated, it's probably a virus. You need to be very careful, though, because the law requires a person to be at least 18 to view pornographic material. As far as the FBI goes, they have way more priorities than a horny 15 year old, even if you were watching kiddie porn. When it comes to sex crimes and the FBI, they seek felonies, as in the people actually producing and distributing the materials.

- Chase - 05-16-2014 12:00 PM

I can't say for sure whether you were or weren't caught and if they will show up or not, but I do know this. You better hope they don't. Not only will you be charged for possession of child pornography, you will also be charged for destruction of evidence since you deleted everything, which is an additional felony.

- STEVEN F - 05-16-2014 12:15 PM

That message was NOT from the FBI, or any other law enforcement agency. If they catch you doing something illegal online, and care to do something about it. your FIRST notice is delivered by the man at the door with a badge and a search warrant.
Had you clicked on anything in the popup window, it would have downloaded what is known as 'ransomware', which essentially locks your computer and demands payment to unlock it.
I recommend a COMPLETE virus scan in any case.