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I'm having a problem on eBay!!!? - Printable Version

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I'm having a problem on eBay!!!? - Marche - 05-16-2014 11:55 AM

I sold a laptop on ebay for $380 and after two weeks the buyer is saying he wants a refund because its not as described. I told him I don't accept returns and I don't do refunds. He's trying to have me refund the money and keep the item. PayPal doesn't have any of my bank info so they can't go into my bank account. What's the worse that could happen to me?? Will my account be suspended if I don't issue a refund

- Wicked â–² - 05-16-2014 12:09 PM

Why don't you just accept the return & give him a refund? Why is that so hard? Paying $300+ for an item that's not as described would piss me off. The buyer can open a case up against & there's a 99% chance that he'll win & you'll have no other choice.

- raina_vissora - 05-16-2014 12:17 PM

Well, I would certainly tell him that if he wants a refund he sure as hell doesn't get to keep the item... and that a refund won't be issued until he ships the item back and you receive it in the same condition you sent it in.

That aside... unless your auction specifically stated no returns/refunds, you're probably going to either accept the return or risk eBay ruling against you if he opens a claim.

- krn001 - 05-16-2014 12:20 PM

If buyer opens a dispute, paypal will side with him. He does however have to return with d/c first. Many buyers can be spiteful & you could end up with a damage item returned. Hope you saved a copy of original serial number.
If buyer is that insistent then have him mail back 1st per ebay rules, he pays to ship back, then paypal will reverse any funds. If you don't have the $$ available, they will get it.