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false advertising for e cigarettes? - Printable Version

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false advertising for e cigarettes? - Wendy - 05-16-2014 02:44 PM

i three my cigarettes away on christmas day and said no more tar and nicotine for me so i bought the patch and there was another product on the shelf that i thought might be a good item for when i get cravings, e cigarettes the pack said no nicotine right on the front so i have been using them since . when i went to get some more yesterday they were still on the shelf but the manager of the store said the vapour cartridges were discontinued i found this odd so i went on line to the company which is still sell all their products on line. i decided to go further and read the ingredients for these and indeed there is nicotine in them. so now i have to go through another with drawl because of the nicotine in the e cigarettes. do i have a case for false advertising with this company ? you can check for yourself it is called e cigarettes by jasper and jasper

- Agata - 05-16-2014 02:59 PM

There is an organisation called Advertising Standards Authority (UK) which protects customers from false advertising. If you feel the advert was misleading, you should contact this organisation and as I believe they will take some action against the company. This should not happen, it is so unfair. Here is the guide how to complain:

I hope this will help you to decide whether to make a complaint or not and I wish you good luck in the future.