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Dose it cost me Money? - Printable Version

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Dose it cost me Money? - 650 - 05-16-2014 04:19 PM

I got a new Android phone ( motorola moto G ) and I conected it to my BT home hub, but dose it still count as my internet usage for the Phone contract?

- Escape. - 05-16-2014 04:21 PM

nope. it doesnt....but you need to go back to highschool and learn how to spell possibly middle school.......and if youre still in school ask the teacher for tutoring....

- Kennedy - 05-16-2014 04:34 PM

No it doesn't. And don't listen to that dick that was a jerk to you, bye Big Grin

- Lewis Evans - 05-16-2014 04:45 PM

The phone's contract won't take into account the amount of data you use when you are connected to a Wifi network - provided it works. For instance, you could connect to a BT Homehub that has no access or limited access to the internet - unplugging the connection cable with still allow devices to connect wirelessly. It just means downloads and uploads can not happen - unless between devices connected on the same router.

If the Homehub allows you to connect, but has no internet connection itself, then your phone may just default to its own network provider for data - this will cost you data/money.

To make sure you are not going to burn a hole in your pocket (so to speak), go to your settings, find your network settings and make sure that data download is disabled or unticked. This will still allow your Wifi access.

Ignore the majority of Escape's answer, which was a bit rude, prejudicial, hypocritical and insulting to say the least.