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how do I know he wont go on fb anymore? - Printable Version

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how do I know he wont go on fb anymore? - 605 - 05-16-2014 04:58 PM

okay. my boyfriend had deactivated his facebook, I logged on just to be sure and deactivated it Again. how can i tell if he as been on it again, and talking to this bitch who is suppose to be my friend. can i just keep logging on his fb to make sure?
he gave me his password and email addy when i logged on to his fb i found out he has been alkin to my so called friend and saying she was sexy and she ried to hold his habd when she was drunk and now she wants to chill again.

- Justin - 05-16-2014 05:00 PM

If you can't trust your boyfriend for some reason then why are you wasting your time being with him? He doesn't need a second mom so quit trying to be it.

- Taylor - 05-16-2014 05:03 PM

You have to trust him or tell that friend to back off

- rockdilly - 05-16-2014 05:11 PM

Who cares dude are you insane?????????? Why can't he use facebook? Sounds like you have GREAT relationship there...

stop being a loser and let your boyfriend do what he wants. If he's going to cheat on you with facebook, he's going to cheat on you with anything. Killing his FB won't change anything. You're literally being a loser right now.

- Rustovich - 05-16-2014 05:20 PM

he is your boyfriend and you should trust him unless he is a doucebag( in that case why is he your boyfriend)

- wanderlust - 05-16-2014 05:27 PM

If you can't trust him enough, then you should probably just end the relationship! What is the point in being with someone you have to keep tabs on 24/7? He is obviously going behind your back and you deserve better.

- Eileen - 05-16-2014 05:28 PM

dont be so obsessive... No one likes an obssessive girl! Please tell me you dont mention his ex everytime u get mad at him cos thats a problem

- ♥♪Jes♥♪ - 05-16-2014 05:32 PM

Seriously, you can't have a meaningful relationship if you don't trust the person your with. Ask him if he's on facebook, instead of stalking him,and stealing his password. Has he ever lied before? if he has, maybe you should reconsider the way he is treating you,and realize you deserve better than a guy going behind your back.

- big muscles - 05-16-2014 05:47 PM

hes cheating on you now and he gave you access to his profile too?....makes no sense.

hes probably got another account and is cheating. or lying.

your frined obviously is not your reind and they both are treacherous to you. delete them both now.

- Jazz - 05-16-2014 05:59 PM

He gets an email every time his Facebook is re- activated saying welcome back to Facebook then another email when he de-activates it.... So probably not a good idea unless you have his email adress password so you can delete the evidence of you going onto it