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How to get SEO PPC Statistics?iconographic reports? - Printable Version

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How to get SEO PPC Statistics?iconographic reports? - Venu - 05-16-2014 07:53 PM

Nowadays the info-graphics are increasing gradually. I have a question. How these statistics are coming? Who is analyzing these reports. SEO, PPC, SMM and other statistics How the SEO analysts gather this statistics?
Please let me know the organizations' names that give these survey statistics.

- Kim Cunnings - 05-16-2014 08:03 PM

There are a few companies that conduct research according to different methodologies.
If you would like, you can do it by yourself, but it's hard to find the time and the resources if you are a small firm.

In the Internet marketing industry, SearchMetrics would be one such company.

MobiThinking are the guys I sometimes turn to for mobile search stats.

Besides, Nielsen Norman Group traditionally do a lot of research.

Sometimes even Google themselves come up with some stats - it depends.

- Bryan - 05-16-2014 08:09 PM

If you’ve hardly ever learned the concept of a SEO, ok, i'll explain briefly what it is, just what it does and just what it’s for.
SEO is definitely the abbreviation for Seo. This can be a web page design technique that, whenever done successfully, draws positive interest from search engines.

- Khusabu - 05-16-2014 08:23 PM

This is a great infographic with some very revealing statistics about PPC and SEO Provided by Wordstream. PPC may do great in Highly Commerical Keywords, but in the long run ranking for those keywords on top of running ads in that space will simply double your chances for generating new business. As for the amount of personel required for SEO campaigns we think that this infographic is slightly biased. We rank our clients 1000's if not 100,000's of competitve keywords in a multitdue of industries with the "required man power" they mention. It's all about working hard and smart to reach your objectives. If you have any questions about PPC or SEO fill out a form and a representative will be in contact with you.