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How do you get into Harvard? - Printable Version

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How do you get into Harvard? - 875 - 05-17-2014 12:35 AM

I'm in grade 9 currently. Someone on the Internet told me that an 80% average is okay for Harvard, but there are other things like the ability to make connections with people and contribute to the society that I must focus on to get into the University (or any other University that's (almost) as great). An 80% percent that true?

- Katy - 05-17-2014 12:42 AM

I personally don't know, but have you checked their website? There should be a section on admission requirements.

- eri - 05-17-2014 12:51 AM

Everyone applying to Harvard has the highest grades in the hardest classes and extremely high test scores. You need all that just to compete, and far more to have a chance of getting in.

- Michaela - 05-17-2014 12:56 AM

Good grades and attendance will get you there!

- R - 05-17-2014 01:10 AM

80%? Of what? Here is the problem with your posting. First, you are a freshman in a high school in the USA. You have to complete this year and have three more years to go. Second, the "someone" is probably a friend who is equally ignorant about this as you are. This is called hearsay, rumor, gossip. Lastly, you are, and this is extremely common and incorrect, addicted to texting and instead of asking parents, family, school teachers or counselors, you post here. While it is commendable that you are interested in attending Harvard University you are not seeking the correct information. The "" page of this university listed over 35,000 applicants. This is a small university and only 2035 or so were admitted. IF this means that only 4.0 GPA with 99% percentile on the SAT or ACT and with other references and achievements and awards then you will realize that this "friend" of yours that indicated "80%" something was guessing. See what I mean? Sorry. The second half of this answer is that those who are admitted to Harvard then compete against each other for grades and for courses. Go the webpage and read for yourself. In closing, when needing information, please, go to the most correct sources. Hint. Your friends are not. No matter, you need to do your very best on each class, each assignment, each word you write. Bon chance, mon ami.