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What is the real way to get more instagram followers? - Printable Version

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What is the real way to get more instagram followers? - 865 - 05-17-2014 03:12 AM

A lot of my friends have at least 1000 to 2000 followers , but they never explain how they got that many.
I personally don't want that much, I only want to reach around 800 to 900.
And NO I do not want to do a survey, shower my photo with hashtags, or like random people's pictures
BTW I am at about 330 followers

- Swampy - 05-17-2014 03:20 AM

Have something interesting to share.

- LovetoHelp - 05-17-2014 03:30 AM

You need to be active on Instagram to gain followers.

Active = posting pictures on a consistent basis. Following people who you are interested in. Commenting and liking images to get your name out there and so that people see you and get an interest in following you.

It is a lot of work to get a good following. Followers isn't the most important thing. The amount of followers you have that actively like and comment on the content you post is most important. Some people have 2000 followers but when they post an image they only receive 7 likes. This is an automatic indicator to me that their followers are probably fake.

Hope that helps!

- Daniel - 05-17-2014 03:33 AM

Besides Doing All That Stuff There are 2 More Ways You Can Increase your Followers You Can Post Good Photos And Follow Other People

Its Not Gonna Get Any Eaiser Then That

You May Have to Use Hash Tags

Thats How a Lot of People Find Other Peoples Instagram And Get Likes and Followers

- Shiloh - 05-17-2014 03:37 AM

I know this sounds dorky but ppl love pix and videos of animals and babies so perhaps more of those. And- like someone else said -use hashtags because hashtags are how ppl find pix and vids that are meaningful to them.