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If atheists are rational and logical then why do they engage in behavior which is dishoest? - Printable Version

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If atheists are rational and logical then why do they engage in behavior which is dishoest? - jasin - 05-17-2014 05:21 AM

The admin from the Facebook group "Atheism unleashed" just banned me for pointing out how his arguments are fallacious.
@Daniel, check out the responses and arguments he gave to me. I asked about the question of Islamophobia. Look at what he said there. His responses are filled with cussing, preclusions, generalities, stereotypes, etc.

@Daniel, check out the responses and arguments he gave to me. I asked the question of Islamophobia. I thought my question was a fair. Look at what he said there; His responses are filled with cussing, preclusions, generalities, stereotypes, etc.
@Phalaris, Try an Islamic group. We Muslims typically only ban trolls, and still ... even then, a lot of times we do not ban them.
@Chances68, you are sadly mistaken. I did not make a claim I asked a question. Maybe my question was based upon an assumption, but it was not a claim it was a question. Also, the admin engaged in cussing, stereotyping, and generlizing in his response. Its there for anyone who wants to see it. Its not a claim he did that, its actually what he did. As for relying on logic, I would love for you to tell me how this kind of behavior and reasoning is logic. I would love to see your justification.
@Chances68, you are sadly mistaken. I did not make a claim I asked a question. Maybe my question was based in part on an assumption, I am honest enough to admit that, but it was not a claim.

Also, the admin engaged in cussing, stereotyping, and generlizing in his responses. Its there for anyone who wants to see it. It is not a claim he did that, it is actually what he did.

As for relying on logic, I would love for you to tell me how this kind of behavior and reasoning is logical.

- Cacophony - 05-17-2014 05:34 AM

We have our idiots, much like every other group.

- Red Dragon - 05-17-2014 05:37 AM

Only thing that atheists share in common is the disbelief in gods. That is it, that is all.

Try it out.

- Daniel - 05-17-2014 05:52 AM

I just checked out the group. He/She is not making arguments, just posting and re-posting memes.

- Vexed - 05-17-2014 05:55 AM

Because some dude who runs a Facebook page doesn't represent all of us? -__-

The only thing we all have in common is that we don't believe in God.

- Sachiko-Chan - 05-17-2014 06:00 AM

Isn't it obvious? You were banned for expressing negativity toward atheism. It's common knowledge, expect to be treated as you do to others.

You don't agree with atheism and thus believe them to be wrong, that is your opinion. It's a personal perspective. Nobody is asking you to agree with them, though it goes without saying you should show enough respect to others to leave them be if you lack the ability to show a positive attitude toward them.

- psgamer92 - 05-17-2014 06:07 AM

Fallacious or fallacious to you?

- Phalaris - 05-17-2014 06:15 AM

I got banned from a site called "Protect Religious Freedom" for inquiring whether their group was also fighting for the freedom of atheists and other non-Christians.

I can only conclude from this that all religious people are intolerant hypocrites.

- Rusty Shackelford - 05-17-2014 06:16 AM

Well, I guess since some perfect stranger who I have never mat and never will meet acted boorishly, that means I do as well.

C'mon, you like people to paint all believers with the same broad brush?

I just wonder why you felt the need to lurk on the page and then comment about it. His private group is not an open forum like Y!A, so why be antagonizing?

Don't you have a job, or at the very least a hobby?

Maybe you need to get out of the house more.

- ? - 05-17-2014 06:29 AM

They have Lots in common!