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Is Google chrome better then firefox? - Printable Version

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Is Google chrome better then firefox? - 919 - 05-17-2014 07:45 AM

Is google chrome better then firefox? And if so why is it better?

Or is firefox better and why.?

- weemanextreeme - 05-17-2014 08:00 AM

Chrome is faster than Firefox, but it's not as feature-rich, and it allows Google to track your surfing habits. In other words, Firefox is actually a better browser.

- Joseph - 05-17-2014 08:16 AM

Firefox does *not* spy on you.

- Zex - 05-17-2014 08:17 AM

Google Chrome is the best!
Simple, secure and fast!
You don't need all of those other options other web browsers give you and it has it's own web store.

*Correction: All web browsers track you. Saying Google does is truthful, but everything does it.
Everything else is not so innocent.

- Colin Garrard - 05-17-2014 08:22 AM

One wonders what weemanex is on. Firefox will run rings around any other browser, I have tried them all as they appeared and will only use Firefox.

- snowmobiler488 - 05-17-2014 08:27 AM

I personally like chrome over firefox and IE because it is so much faster. It initially starts up faster than firefox and loads pages faster. Two downsides are: 1) firefox had more add-ons like controlling music and all the other crazy cool ideas people have come up with and (if you are looking for this functionality), it beats chrome 2) some websites are specifically made to display properly for certain browsers, IE and firefox are the most common (but this rarely happens and usually still works fine with chrome)

Overall I prefer chrome over anything else simply because it's so much faster!

- Loser - 05-17-2014 08:39 AM

Google Chrome.

It's fast, light, easy to use. Has lots of add ons. And although it does track users activity, it can be disabled in the options.

- What the...?!? - 05-17-2014 08:52 AM

It's subjective. It depends on the user. Google Chrome is best known for its simplicity. Google always prides itself on producing products which are simple, straight forward and free of bloatware; Chrome is no exception. Once you start the browser, you'll see a very clean interface. There's a single toolbar and only the most essential toolbar icons. One icon gives you access to all the browser settings. You can personalize the browser with extensions and change its appearance with other skins. Chrome selling point isn't that it is feature rich rather it concentrates on doing one job and doing that job very well. Of course, I am talking about rending a webpage. You can customize it with add ons and skins which are available on their websites. Most of these are developed and contributed by other Chrome users. Firefox tries be fast, intuitive and easily customizable. For the most part, it does a good job. Users can customize Firefox to their liking. You can create customize toolbars. You can add or delete search engines. You can create keyword searches. It comes with a built in password manager and download manager. I like the fact that you can use a master password to secure the password manager. It even tells you if you the master password is too weak. It is an extra layer of security. Chrome does have a password manager but there is no master password. If someone has access to your computer, they can easily see all the saved passwords. There is no download manager so, if your download was interrupted, you will loss everything and have to start from scratch. Firefox allows for granular control. There are settings buried in menus and submenus. So, you can play around with it and fine tune it to your liking. Firefox has a huge user base and users contribute a wealth of add ons and skins. There are literally hundreds - if not thousands - of free add ons. You won't find this collection on Google Chrome. I find Firefox to be a more polished browser than Chrome. But, Firefox has been around for more than a decade and has been refined while Chrome is the new kid on the block. I believe that with additional time Google will have a more feature rich browser. So, you have to decide which browser is right for you. Do you want simplicity or fine user control?