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Google analytics/SEO/marketing/search? - 979 - 05-17-2014 11:23 AM

Say I own a surf shop in Daytona Beach, Fl

How can I find out how many people are searching for "surf boards" or "surf shops" in the Daytona Beach area? I know I can do this by running a google analytics campaign on my web domain and using PPC to find out how many results im getting but how do I do this without having a website? Like if im just doing it for research?
I just found google analytics traffic estimator and after a few searches it seems way off.

searching daytona surf shops comes up with 0 hits per day? That cant be right

- Tom - 05-17-2014 11:36 AM

Google Adwords Keyword Tool

- marcink99 - 05-17-2014 11:53 AM

you can use google adword keyword tool but you have to keep in mind that it will not show geo based results. It only shows global and local where local is usa.

"daytona surf shops" will yaid an avrage 22 search results per month but keep in mind that 1st spot in google for that term will get 50% of traffic for that term 2nd only 25% and down from there