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If you hide someone's post, do they know that you hid it? - Printable Version

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If you hide someone's post, do they know that you hid it? - 732 - 05-17-2014 01:27 PM

One of my FB friends posted something that I did not agree with and it was offensive to me, but I did not want to unfriend her because she's a really good friend. I hid the post so I can't see it on my news feed. Does she get a notification or something to let her know I hid it? Or am I the only one who knows?

Thank you and God bless! 😊

- Ryan - 05-17-2014 01:37 PM

No notification to the other person.

- rodolfo l - 05-17-2014 01:41 PM

Yes, if you told them what you have hidden.

- Reefy - 05-17-2014 01:53 PM

naaa if she remembers what she commented she might ask why its gone
otherwise its impossible when its hidden its gone and no one can see it unless you unhide it

- Serenita - 05-17-2014 01:55 PM

Pretty sure yes.

- abraXus - 05-17-2014 01:59 PM

you are only hiding it from yourself, no one else knows that you hid it from yourself

- Lahori Munda - 05-17-2014 02:14 PM


- ♥Krissy♥ - 05-17-2014 02:30 PM


- Lissa - 05-17-2014 02:37 PM

no, only you know that you hide it. it doesn't notice anyone else