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My boyfriend won't have sex with me? - 352 - 05-18-2014 01:58 AM

I can get naked, be in lingerie and he'd rather fb. He will promise sex sometimes then never follow through. We used to do it all the time now it's barely every other day if I'm lucky. What do I do?
He is bi...

- Brewer - 05-18-2014 02:13 AM

He's either going gay or bored with you. I suggest snooping around to see if you can catch him cheating. Then if he is you can contact me for revenge sex. Good luck!

- S - 05-18-2014 02:29 AM

There could be health reasons for why his libido is down.

There's stigma that comes with bisexuality, an idea that you're confused or scared to pick one. Some of the reason for that is because some people come out as bisexual when they truly are gay, but haven't yet understood or wanted to admit it to themselves. I'm not saying he's gay. I'm saying there's a possibility that he might be coming to personal revelations, OR if he hasn't been with a man before, he feels like he's denied himself something through being in a committed relationship with a woman before he's explored that side of himself.

I only mention this because you thought it was important enough to add to your post, and that's the only way I can see it being important. Because if he'd rather be with a man and he truly is bi, it's not -just- because he's bi, but there's a problem with the relationship or his ability to want to commit to one person...same as if he was straight and wanted to be with a girl other than you. If he tries to tell you that he needs to be with a man before he'll want to have sex with you again, this is absolute BS. Bisexuality does not mean you can't be completely satisfied in a loving, monogamous relationship with only one gender. It does not give you special snowflake status to sleep with someone else because your girlfriend isn't that gender.

Sometimes it's because of cheating. Sometimes it's relationship or personal issues. Sometimes the guy is done and he just doesn't know how to end it. What do you do? Communicate. Sit down and have an open, honest discussion about how you both feel and what can be done about it. Coming to conclusions isn't going to help, and ignoring the issues on both sides isn't going to solve anything. -Talk-. And good luck, girl. Wink

- Lynn - 05-18-2014 02:44 AM

Maybe he's gone from bisexual to gay. He might prefer the dick to the pussy.

- Lenny - 05-18-2014 02:46 AM

I know how it is. I've been in this situation so many times where I just felt lost and had no idea where I was going in life. It made me depressed and my quality of life was just at an all time low. I'm 36 years old and have been struggling with these issues for over a decade. I just don't know what is wrong but I've been able to adapt and get everything back from when I was younger, I'm talking 17-18 when I felt I was in my prime with my sex life. I started having problems after a break up with a girlfriend that I thought was the one but she basically tore my heart out. I was about 24 years old and when I started dating other women, my sex life was doomed. I've had it all from erection problems to all kinds of performance problems. Some were in my head. Anyways, since then I've tried all kinds of things. You know about viagra I'm sure...Who doesn't know about that stuff haha.

At that point in my life, I tried it but couldn't get it all the time due to the doctors and my age. I knew a buddy who would steal the stuff from his dad for me. I just noticed that it's terrible stuff. I try to avoid pharmeceuticals as it is. I noticed I would get terrible migraines and an occasional blurred vision which truly was scary...Sure the erection was great but the side effects blew... In the meantime years passed and I found the love of my life again. The sex was good, the erections were great. No problems at all. No more viagra was needed for quite some time...Then all of a sudden, well you can geuss. Sex life down the toilet again.

I was in my 30's by this time and just was stuck again. I suffer from depression so all this time I'm thinking I'm going through another low libido spell cause of it. Now I go to the doctors cause I feel ok talking about my problem. I've been on the cialis crap and some other one I can't remember nor do I want to look it up lol. Anyways it's all the same crappy side effects that just make everything terrible.

I did some research and after a while everything started to make sense. I hated pharmaceuticals and a friend told me about the herbal way to get an erection and all these good articles about it. He said chinese men have been using these herbs for centuries to cure there problems in the sack. I figured what the hell...might as well give it a shot if it's not going to give me any side effects. I tried a couple of these out. To my amazement, both of them did what I needed so I kinda just have fun with each one. I'll explain why. I just needed something to get up. This one I found called vigrx plus was the one for this. It's all herbal and after a couple days of take it daily, I noticed right away my junk just wanted to stand straight up, sex drive was something that was really can't handle yourself jk but you are like a teenager again... Check this stuff out at because I saved money on it at the time there along with this other supplement I got there too...Check for coupons and updates. This one I just wanted to see if it worked cause it was suppose to increase your semen quality and amount. So right there I'm thinking damnn that must give you one hell of an orgasm. This was semenax, and I fiddle with it every once in a while when I want to load my wife up. She's always impressed with the amount and she even says it tastes better!! yippy if you know what I mean. Overall, I'm so glad I took the herbal route of keeping my sex life up to par.

Struggling with it for long really messes with you so I know and feel ya when people talk about it. Good luck and I hope this helps you.