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Can my music prevent me from getting a job? - Printable Version

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Can my music prevent me from getting a job? - Chris - 05-18-2014 03:40 AM

I have several music profiles to help promote my music. Let's just say a lot of the lyrics aren't exactly family friendly. Could this hurt me if I were trying to get an important job? Would this be bad news for me if anyone who performed a background check?
I'm working on a bachelor's degree in Finance and have considered things such as Financial Advisor or Treasurer for my future career. Nice try, smartass. (Talking to Silly Goose)

- 788 - 05-18-2014 03:52 AM

Real important jobs are for people with real important degrees.
Don't worry about this.

- Employment Guy - 05-18-2014 04:08 AM

Google your name, exactly the way it appears on your resume or you would put it on a job application.

If those profiles (or anything else risque or inappropriate) don't come up in the first several pages of results, I wouldn't worry about it.

You may want to have someone you are NOT connected to (i.e., friends with) do a similar search on Facebook.