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How can I be more confident? Girl 14? - Printable Version

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How can I be more confident? Girl 14? - Fiona - 05-18-2014 06:05 AM

Hi my name is Fiona, I'm not that confident. I look in the mirror and hate how I look. I hate my face, my hair, my figure, my legs, my nose everything. When I'm in school I get really really shy when I'm talking to people in older years.. I get all nervous and shaky. If someone gives me a bad look i take it to heart. Especially walking past the 3rd year boys just really makes me shy, and I don't really know why. When a boy teases me or something I smile and look like an idiot. where as other girls just act cooler around them then me. I just get really fidgety. I'm like a year and a half older then them, and I'M the one getting nervous :'(. I hate my figure so much, I'm like a stone and a half over weight. I'm trying to except my self for who I am but thats difficult. I tried to diet and exercise more... but that just made me eat more :'( i had a bad breakup which made me feel more like shit. Now I find myself comparing myself to every other girl I see. I find myself going onto facebook and looking and girls profile pictures. and ones when their with their friends. And they're so pretty. I don't have many friends, but I do have people I trust. And I know the quality of friends is better then the quantity. Please help, I just want to be more confident in myself. HOW? I'll chose best answer :') Thanks, truly appreciated :') x

- James - 05-18-2014 06:06 AM

You just have to stop being so critical of yourself. Everyone is different and that's a very good thing! You're way too young to diet, but there's nothing wrong with working out if you think you need to be in better shape. If that is your picture on your profile then you have nothing to worry about anyway. You look pretty and have a nice smile.

- NlGG3R JESUS - 05-18-2014 06:14 AM

Alcohol does the trick.

- Tiffany - 05-18-2014 06:29 AM

Confidence is key. No matter your size. No matter your weight. Be confident in who you are and you will be beautiful. Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how great you are if you can't see it yourself?

Love yourself and be who you want to be. Stop comparing yourself to other people. You are you, nobody else can be you even if they tried to be. You are beautiful and nobody else is you. Have you ever heard that comparison is the thief of joy? Instead of comparing yourself to others think about how great you already are. Real girls aren't perfect and perfect girls aren't real

- Sasha - 05-18-2014 06:37 AM

I noe u feel like ua d only one wid this problem...but 2 yrs back i ws just like u...lemme tell u wat to do...if ua in doubt abt ua features..u need to take care of yourself...whatever specific problem you have u search abt it..internet..ull get loads of useful on yourself..u need to love yourself...go shopping girl..!!try new styles...n luk at yourself in d mirror..closely...i do that n yes i feel i m beautiful..n once ull start feeling beautiful ull b very confident...n u cn tok to nyone u want...dats my story frm being a nobody to d most popular gal...