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FACEBOOK FRIEND REQUEST BUG?? HELP!!? - Whatcha Say? - 10-16-2012 02:29 AM

I recently added my crush on FB, and he accepted it yesterday. So, today I went on his page, and it says "Add Friend" near his profile picture (it's like I didn't even add him, but in my notifications, it shows ________ added you as a friend)..... So, my question is Do I have to add him again(bc I don't want him to think I am stalking him) or is it just a bug that will be fixed tomorrow??

thanks in advance!

- MO - 10-16-2012 02:37 AM

get a life go meet him talk to him and be in the real world - gosh facebook is lame

- Tyson - 10-16-2012 02:37 AM

Things like that happen to me and my friends all the time, I would not worry if I was you. Keep checking! Smile