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My Internet Explorer is acting weird? - Printable Version

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My Internet Explorer is acting weird? - The Best There Is - 05-18-2014 09:23 AM

I have IE11 and when a sign in to website such as this one, it doesn't show that I'm signed in unless I refresh or click something on the page. It also doesn't show a page that I use daily so I now have to go to Google Chrome.

What could be the problem?
I fixed half of the problem, I noticed that my temporary internet files were set to never check for newer versions of stored pages so I changed it "never" to "automatically". Now I can see I'm signed in and stuff. I still can't access a page I that I always used before the problems occurred.

- Kevin - 05-18-2014 09:25 AM

Step 1: Use Google Chrome
Step 2: Never Use Internet Explorer again
Step 3: Have fun