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Why so manu Google Chrome exe's? - Printable Version

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Why so manu Google Chrome exe's? - 341 - 05-18-2014 10:57 AM

So... story: My laptop is fucked up. Hardly has anything on it yet it's memory is extremely iffy, varying from nothing to near to a mere 1 GB ((I have a 4 GB apparently!))

I know, sounds like a virus however, I am only trying to figure out what is eating the space? I've noticed this poor thing has registry errors but it won't let me fix them? A lot of those... . But the thing is, I found this. A lot of google chromes, do I need all of these. This is the CPU or whatever place accessed from the task manager on my crappy windows 8 ((Sorry, don't like it XD))

Also, any ideas? I've had her for maybe a year or two? Give or take. She doesn't have a working keyboard and for around three to four months without a working touch-pad ((Spilled pop.)) Seemingly external damage only of course, after cleanup everything looked pristine as if nothing had broken. Device scans prove ineffective no matter were they are conducted. The computer doesn't know it's sick or maybe, I'm just not catching something. Are there any free virus removal software's that work? I hardly have any pictures on it, no videos or music, I do have documents, about 20 maybe but even that's no biggie, I have basically nothing on here yet somethings eating it up and is not being recognized as a threat.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There is at least 30 of them.

- tumbleweed_biff - 05-18-2014 11:12 AM

Each Chrome tab is a separate process and shows up as such on the task manager/process list.