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How to deal with my man's female friend who clearly likes him!? - Printable Version

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How to deal with my man's female friend who clearly likes him!? - M - 05-18-2014 01:47 PM

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months, and we get along very well. We are both 23 years old, and serious about our relationship. We're also mature enough to accept and understand our friendships with former love interests as long as we aren't flirtatious with them, and they're aware that we're committed to one another. About 2 months ago, he told me about one of his female friends, and how they used to like one another - and how she recently found out about him dating me. He said, she's been acting a little weird around him since then, but he doesn't care, and she needs get over it.

Nonetheless, ever since she found out about us - she's been all over his facebook/instagram. She'll be the first one to comment on every post, and picture. If he posts a picture of himself with his male friends, she'll be like "can I join you guys?" etc etc. My boyfriend responds to her with very dry answers; however, that doesn't stop her from continuously bombarding his profile. I know I shouldn't let petty stuff like this on Facebook and such get to me; but I think it's pretty clear that she still into my boyfriend. Whenever I read her wallposts, I end up getting frustrated with my boyfriend. How do I deal with this?

- me - 05-18-2014 01:52 PM

Hold on for a sec here. You've been dating 8 months, and you just found out 2 months ago about his female friend who likes him? And it took him 6 months to tell her about you guys?

Seems odd to me. I think that's of greater concern than the fact she still likes him. If she knew about you two earlier she probably wouldn't be doing this now

- Juliet - 05-18-2014 02:03 PM

I think you need to continue to trust your boyfriend. Things haven't gotten TOO out of hand yet, so I believe you shouldn't do anything. Obviously, monitor the situation. But he seems faithful.

Be happy you have someone that another girl wants so desperately. That girl seems lonely.

- ._. - 05-18-2014 02:12 PM

Your bf sounds reliable. I would trust him to do the right thing and let him handle this his own way. Plus, I'm sure it'd make him happy to know that you trust him.