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Where can I find Google Chrome skins? - Printable Version

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Where can I find Google Chrome skins? - 314 - 05-18-2014 01:55 PM

I have the Google chrome web browser, and I absolutely love it. But the in=browser skin selection is kind of limited. There are only like 3 that I actually like. I have tried searching for more skins on the Google AND Yahoo search engines, but all I can ever find are the same ones that it takes you too from the options menu in the browser. Does any one know where I can find some other ones?
(And please don't suggest that I start using another browser. Like I said, I love Google Chrome. I would just like some more skins IF they are out there.)
Thanks for at least reading my question even if you don't know an answer.
Yea. Those are the ones you get to through the browser. i am looking for other ones.

- MANERS - 05-18-2014 01:56 PM

This is where are the skins I know of are:

I also just did some googleing and came out with no other place to find themes, sorry...

- Kevin - 05-18-2014 02:00 PM

Don't think there are any that work right now. There are themes though.

(theres more than than those themes in extensions, [ mario for mario theme])

Also theres World Cup themes (not all countries)
(Pick which one you want Big Grin)
Googled it. Tongue

Theres way more than this. Go Google it.