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Should I FB the cute girl who just rear ended me? - Printable Version

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Should I FB the cute girl who just rear ended me? - Quatzequatel - 05-18-2014 03:31 PM

Just got rear ended by a very cute girl today. I haven’t followed though yet on the damage she did to my truck but since she’s cute I looked her up on Facebook. Turns out we have a mutual friend! She was very nice (so far) although I highly doubt she’d consider dating me or anything since I’m much older. Then again I’ve always doubted anyone would. Sad
Would it be weird if I told her I looked her up on FB? She wants to keep her auto insurance out of this and I agreed. I don’t want to creep her out, but if there’s even the slightest chance that this could lead to something else I’d seriously consider it. I would think the fact that we have a mutual friend might make a difference in how she thinks of me. What is the proper etiquette here? Is it weird to look up someone on FB with whom you were just in an accident? Obviously, she gave me her insurance info and Phone # already. Or maybe I should wait until she pays for the damage and we get that out of the way? Looking for a girl’s perspective here.

- killersneakers - 05-18-2014 03:47 PM

take it easy,just do it .

- Chikberger - 05-18-2014 04:00 PM

I would think it's weird...unless he's super charming and handsome...hehe. But then, if you say you don't think it will lead anywhere, then I'd think she'd just be weirded out....I would try to stay formal and get the insurance figured out and maybe after or during this time you could talk to her or something and maybe ask her about herself, etc and then if you guys end up friends through real interaction, then facebook her and she won't be creeped out.

- ashley - 05-18-2014 04:06 PM

To be honest you never know until you try!! If you really think something could come of it then add her and send her a funny message about the accident. Its a lot better than adding her and having nothing to say because that would almost come across as you are just trying to make sure she updates her status and that you want to make sure you get your money! Mention your mutual friend be like i was looking at so and sos fb page and saw you listed as one of their friends thats crazy! But i think that its worth a shot Smile like i said you never know until you try!

- Lora - 05-18-2014 04:07 PM

well if your older then why are you asking such stupid questions.