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How do I deal with my man's female friend liking him? - Printable Version

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How do I deal with my man's female friend liking him? - M - 05-18-2014 04:10 PM

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months, and we get along very well. We are both 23 years old, and serious about our relationship. We're also mature enough to accept and understand our friendships with former love interests as long as we aren't flirtatious with them, and they're aware that we're committed to one another. He told me about one of his female friends, and how they used to like one another - and how she recently found out about him dating me (we were keeping our relationship on the down low initially).

Nonetheless, ever since she found out about us - she's been all over his facebook/instagram. Prior to this, I had never seen her on his Facebook or Instagram at all. But now, she'll be the first one to comment on every post, and picture. If he posts a picture of himself with his male friends, she'll be like "can I join you guys?" etc etc. My boyfriend responds to her with very dry answers and has even given me the privilege to go through his phone or Facebook if I feel the need to doso; however, that doesn't stop her from continuously bombarding his profile. I know I shouldn't let petty stuff like this on Facebook and such get to me; but I think it's pretty clear that she still into my boyfriend. Whenever I read her wall posts, I end up getting frustrated with my boyfriend. How do I deal with this?

- MsDMarie - 05-18-2014 04:23 PM

Why don't you talk to her about it. You have the right to.

- Alex Redwine - 05-18-2014 04:37 PM

Ask him to simply stop replying. If she comments on every photo of him, and he doesn't reply, she'll soon get the message.
If she still doesn't, you can easily delete her on Facebook and make your Instagram private.

If he really wanted her to leave him alone while you guys are dating, it would have been done.
It's easy. Maybe he likes the attention.

- Sean - 05-18-2014 04:53 PM

himm, this is an opportunity to get over your insecurities, ever girl i have dated has tons of guy friend who do the samethings, i always got jealous, and it ruined the relationships, i have not gotten over this, we live in a time of instant connection.. when you figure this out please let me know...

would you comment on mine...

- Singing - 05-18-2014 04:59 PM

The first thing is not to take it out on your boyfriend. It's not his fault somebody likes him. Furthermore, people like this other girl are often TRYING to shove a wedge between the two of you in order to break you up, so don't let it negatively influence your relationship in any way. It's also a good time to ask him what's important in the relationship and in a partner and also share what's important to you--but listen as much as you talk! It's important for you to know what he thinks about the relationship, and also to have him articulate it so that it's conscious in his mind. Then go do something special and fun to take the serious edge off. If you relationship just becomes discussions and arguments, of course you'll not be doing yourself any favors.

Finally, realize that you can't control your boyfriend, and if he decides that he wants to lower himself to the point of sacrificing his integrity, it's better that you know, and it doesn't reflect on you. Do your best by the relationship, trust so far as he has earned it, but always keep your eyes open.