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Why won't my computer programs recognize the internet connection? - Printable Version

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Why won't my computer programs recognize the internet connection? - cwjakesteel - 05-18-2014 04:23 PM

If my computer can connect to the internet on startup, all of my programs that require internet connection such as Skype, Chrome, Firefox and the steam application work, however, if I am disconnected from the internet, such as if the router is plugged out, or I simply disconnect my computer from the internet, when I reconnect to the internet, none of the programs recognize this.

Only Skype works and all the other programs like internet browsers and other instant messengers act as if the internet is not connected. So for me to use these programs I need to restart my computer.

Any idea the cause of this and a possible way to fix it?
Thanks George. Yes I am certain that my router is getting full internet connection and I believe the issue is on the side of my Computer as my other devices that use the internet still work. All the other computers, phones and game systems.

Btw, I am using Win7 x64 and I can assure you that the IP address has been obtained, after all, Skype is the only program that works during this problem and I can still send and receive messages through it.

- george - 05-18-2014 04:28 PM

Hi, I may have a solution but I'm not too sure. Since you disconnected reconncted. You have to wait 5min (s) for your computer to obtain an "IP" Address. After, all your browsers and other applications should work and recieve internet connecion. If this doesn't work check and see if your router is getting full internet connection. Fix it and then Try it.