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Is branding not important for ebook writers etc.? - Printable Version

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Is branding not important for ebook writers etc.? - David - 05-18-2014 05:02 PM

I was talking to a web designer recently and he told me that there is no point in trying to become "known" if you are selling "fitness" ebooks, "how to" ebooks, or any category of ebook that is common because nobody remembers the names of the guy behind them unless they are very successful and in a very short amount of time people will copy it and put it up on fiver, their blogs and other.

Is this true, if not what are the fundamental branding methods that need to be utilised?


- Jim S - 05-18-2014 05:09 PM

That is his point, and you are belaboring it.

Branding is completely useless in the eBook market, unless the author is well-recognized in other media. Instead, some sore of "teaser" must be used in order to convince the reader the the download will be worthwhile.

When you're a Nobody, branding has no value.

- Jake - 05-18-2014 05:21 PM

There are certainly exceptions, perhaps more so for those selling bizop ebooks who are able to up-sell people to $1000 webinars based on the guru author's reputation. David DeAngelo is a well known dating title pen name for the marketing author Eban Pagen.

Certainly a massively more important aspect for any relatively unknown authors is the book title, some pre-internet authors ran test advertising campaigns for non existing books of different titles to measure the market response to the names.

- oopsoohooh - 05-18-2014 05:22 PM

when a fad fades so does the brand

when a brand is successful, it is subliminally imprinted

consider "Virgin" yet richard branson is no longer involved in many business operating on that brand