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I broke up with him. What's he thinking now? - Printable Version

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- DLC - 05-18-2014 06:45 PM

I think that you should still talk to him. It is ok that you didn’t respond to his text. If he gets mad over something so simple then he is not worth your time. If he back tracked on you that probably means he realized what he had after he lost it. Most guys tend to do that. But talk to him occasionally and hang out every now and then. Get to know him that way and who knows maybe in a few months you might change your mind about being with him and could find someone else.

- wh!p!t - 05-18-2014 06:54 PM

With my ex boyfriend I am close with his family and sister as well. Why don't you text, call or message him whichever you prefer and just tell him listen I really like you and I want things to work out between us but I just need a little time and if you're scared or he is scared that you'll stray somewhere else for 'stuff' within that time tell him that you'll both wait for each other until the time is right. And I don't think you jepordized your relationship with him at especially if you tell him how you feel and why you're doing this to him for now because is due time you will eventually be together it's just the thing called space that you want. If you're nervous or still unsure to say something to him, I am close with my ex sister and if you are too tell her to relay the message to her brother so maybe it will ease his mind coming from a family member.