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How do I find my real mother? - Printable Version

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How do I find my real mother? - JERI - 05-19-2014 08:00 AM

I've been trying to search for my real mother and I found out I need a court order to view the records.

- Ocimom - 05-19-2014 08:05 AM

Many adoption records are still sealed. If you need a court order then you need one - talk to a lawyer. Keep in mind your bio mother may NOT want contact with you even if you want contact with her.

The adoption agency usually sends a letter to the parent letting them know the child is searching for them - but its up to them, not up to you if that ever takes place.

- JoyaSee - 05-19-2014 08:07 AM

When and where did your adoption take place?

- Jessa - 05-19-2014 08:13 AM

I'm curious why you want to find her. Did you have an unhappy childhood with your adoptive parents? One of my friends is adopted and adores her adoptive parents. She has no interest in finding her "real" parents because she considers her APs her real parents. But I don't know what it's like to be adopted, obviously.

Try contacting a lawyer about it or a private investigator.

- Zelda - 05-19-2014 08:19 AM

There are ways to find people without going to court. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know who you are. It doesn't matter if you were adopted by royalty or burned and tortured everyday it is a matter of finding the missing pieces of yourself. Go on facebook and find a search angel group.

- H****** - 05-19-2014 08:22 AM

IMO you you have every right to know the truth of your origins. I'm adopted and IMO if you have a close, strong relationship with your parents it will NOT be at all hurtful to them to know you are seeking your bio parents; if they're anything like my parents they will understand that searching is no reflection whatsoever on them and your shared history Smile

The vast majority of bio parents DO want to be found. Most people who experience reunions do not regret it, whatever the outcome!

Please take the 'advice' of negative anti-search folk with a pinch of salt and do what you feel your heart leads you to do. There will always be censorious types who try to guilt you out of searching.

ISRR is an excellent worldwide reunion registry bursting at the seams with registrants; many of them natural parents wanting to know their children are OK; so searching is not so wrong as some insecure folk would have you believe Smile