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How should I target my potential customers? (guerrilla marketing?)? - Printable Version

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How should I target my potential customers? (guerrilla marketing?)? - privateeye - 10-16-2012 03:13 AM

i have a rent a tour guide service, which lets you rent local people to show u round the city. i live in asia, but basically, my clients are anyone who comes to my city. so where should i start advertising? i don't have that much of a budget. i want to do something creative that will target many customers at once, worldwide.

and please don't say Facebook!

- Patricia - 10-16-2012 03:21 AM

Contact travel agents in major cities, either by phone or email and let them know about your service. Answer questions in the Yahoo Answers Travel category from people interested in your area. Create a website to refer people for more information and easy contact information for your business. Write a press release that describes the service you offer and send it to the editors of travel magazines... or better yet, take pictures of your local sites and write a travel article and submit it to travel magazines for publication, be sure to include your services and contact information as part of the article. Make sure that every promotion you do emphasizes that your service is safe and secure for travelers, this is best done by including testimonials and recommendations from former customers.