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Guy with girlfriend likes my facebook pictures?10 points best answer? - Printable Version

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Guy with girlfriend likes my facebook pictures?10 points best answer? - 756 - 05-19-2014 01:09 PM

this guy in facebook i know him in person he hangs out with one of my cousins anyways he always likes my pictures in Facebook he has a gf tho,last time we hanged out me and my cousin he stared at me alot...could he like me? He likes any picture i post of me. And he sends me msgs sometimes idk :c

- Pinhead Larry - 05-19-2014 01:16 PM

get off his d he has a girl

- Filip - 05-19-2014 01:29 PM

He definitely likes you, up to you whether or not you want to respect the fact hes in a relationship but 2 thins to consider: 1. What kind of person is he if hes flirting with you while he has a girlfiend? 2. Maybe hes considering breaking up with his girlfriend anyway

- Daniel - 05-19-2014 01:46 PM

Hello una

- Pavan - 05-19-2014 01:57 PM

may be cousin have told him about you . then he may be wanted to see your pictures

- Tina - 05-19-2014 02:02 PM


- RayRay - 05-19-2014 02:05 PM

Yep, he likes you but stay away...very far away. Do you really wanna mess with a dude that has no problem looking around for other girls when he is taken? Most cheaters have a fear of being a lone. Which is why they always have a girl, whether they like/love her or not. Most of their girlfriends are insurance policies. They want em around in case they can't find someone else.

Like I said...stay away...faaaar away Wink

- Hella - 05-19-2014 02:17 PM

Respect yourself and his girlfriend by ignoring him. Don't be the other woman