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Why are the 1080p YouTube videos jumpy and out of sync? - Printable Version

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Why are the 1080p YouTube videos jumpy and out of sync? - 527 - 05-19-2014 03:10 PM

My Internet is very fast so that means the 720p and 1080p don't buffer at all but in 1080p sounds are out of sync and jumpy, while the 720p is mostly perfect. I'm on chrome and when I go to the plugins it only has this:
Adobe Flash Player - Version:
Shockwave Flash 12.0 r0
Name:Shockwave Flash
Description:Shockwave Flash 12.0 r0
Location:C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\33.0.1750.149\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
Type:PPAPI (out-of-process)
MIME types:
MIME typeDescriptionFile extensions
application/x-shockwave-flashShockwave Flash
application/futuresplashFutureSplash Player
It is enabled and the always allowed is not ticked. Help much appreciated!

- eastlondon02 - 05-19-2014 03:12 PM

What are you PC specs?

- Brigalow Bloke - 05-19-2014 03:22 PM

Fast internet? I should be so lucky. Mine ranges from mediocre to complete drop out without any apparent reason and it's done that through three different computer and two different modems.

- Holly - 05-19-2014 03:35 PM


to be honest it might not be your pc it might be youtube.i dont know if you've notice that sometimes that when you start watching a video how at the bottom the comments takes ages to load up and my thoery is
the video is trying to load while the comment section is loading and its going to cause conflict. I dont know if you are aware but there is a way to get a basic version of youtube which might help type this in the address bar at the top... then Click on Join the "Feather" Beta- then close it then go into youtube . Also i know everyone hates internet explorer thay say its slow but i think it plays netflix and youtube videos so much better then chrome

- inukjuak90 - 05-19-2014 03:38 PM

The answer is simple!

Your ''Cache'' (Temp Internet Files), Virtual Memory, and/or "PageFiling" are near-full
and cannot take anymore.  Simply delete your Cache (plus "Cookies" and "History"),
then clear your Memory with a shutdown & reboot.  Afterwards, you will freak at how
fast and non-jumpy your YouTube will be.

→  ≡  or wrench  → Tools  →  Clear browsing data
→  the beginning of time ▼
[x] Clear browsing history
[x] Empty the cache
[x] Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data
→  Clear browsing data

Don't forget to totally shutdown+reboot afterwards.
