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Justin Bieber meet and greet questions? - Printable Version

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Justin Bieber meet and greet questions? - Katie - 05-19-2014 07:00 PM

Me and my friend are going to a justin bieber concert in hartford on thursday and we want nothing more than to meet him, but sadly we do not have meet and greet passes.

But we saw people on twitter posting pictures of DM convos between them and justin saying that if they show the conversation to the guards they would let them in so we had our computer freak friend make a fake picture with a similar conversation and we are wondering if we should try to use it to get in because we heard that people are getting their concert tickets taken away if they try to sneak in without a pass.
The question is: will they kick us out of the concert if we try to get in using the picture or will they just send us on our way back to the concert saying they cant let us in with just that?
(the people that get kicked out just try to get pass the guards without being seen, but we would directly approach the guards so would they still kick us out?)

- Charleine - 05-19-2014 07:08 PM

hey thanks for answering my question!(: I'm a big belieber and if you want to meet him really bad take the chance cause I know alot of people whonsneaked in... but I've never been to a concert so I don't know what it's like /:

- Heather ღ - 05-19-2014 07:09 PM

If you're going to sneak in (which is a terrible idea as your tickets will get taken away if it goes wrong), I recommend using fake wristbands.

- Omoscowonder - 05-19-2014 07:17 PM

No, i really think you should do the right thing, that would be considered cheating, am a belieber, so i know how much you want to meet him.
Wishing you the best.

- Lassia - 05-19-2014 07:32 PM

Try and see.

And if they kick you, you can always cry on his fanpages