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My mom posted about 50 pictures of my on FB? - Printable Version

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My mom posted about 50 pictures of my on FB? - Arena - 05-19-2014 07:44 PM

My mom friended me on facebook then she posted lots of pictures of my on her facebook. When I asked her to ask me next time she she was going to post them she told me she would notify me, but it was her right as a mom to put them on fb. Okay, how do I take her photos down and hopefully without notifying her?

- Coca Mocha Loca - 05-19-2014 07:57 PM

I think you mean "me" not "my" you sound stupid when you do that.

Can't you just untag yourself?

- Joseph - 05-19-2014 08:05 PM

you can not remove pictures from your mom's account the best way to talk with her and convince her to remove them

- exie - 05-19-2014 08:19 PM

Nearly impossibly. Did she tag you in them? YOu can defriend her and she won't know though. I know because I'm a mom and my son defriends me all the time. I figure it out eventually though and make him readd me.

- Ya-Ha! - 05-19-2014 08:34 PM

If they're uploaded through her profile you're going to need to get into her account somehow. Try and get her to select the save password option and log in that way.

- Rrubicon - 05-19-2014 08:48 PM

You can't do anything on your mom's facebook without her password, but I'm surprised she is not respecting your request. Does she know you feel so strongly. Obviously, she loves you and is proud of you, but she is dead wrong. I think my kids would disown me if I did that to them (although I have a lot of pictures of them on my facebook, if they asked I would take them down immediately!) Let her know.

- Miyuki - 05-19-2014 09:04 PM

Usually it's the other way around--the kid's uploading photos and the parent wants to keep them from doing it.

I think the best way to handle the situation will probably be to sit down and have a serious conversation with her. Privacy is a real concern on Facebook; has your mother taken steps to secure her account and make the things she's posting friends-only? If not, try explaining to her that all of the photos she's uploaded to her account--and tagged you in--are visible to everyone, everywhere. While you can remove tags, it will not remove the photos from public view.

Encourage your mother to visit her account's privacy settings and customize them so she is not sharing her statuses, photos, and posts with everyone. If she makes them visible to only her friends, you will know exactly who's seeing them. I know it might not be as satisfying as deleting them from her account would be, but she's posting them because she's proud of you. Smile

Here's the direct link to the FB privacy settings page:


Regarding what "Bubba Freel" said about your face being your property... If your mom took the photos, she is the copyright holder. If you are a minor, she is legally able to sign model releases allowing your image to be published online or even sold for commercial use. Assuming that's true, she DOES have the legal right to post whatever photos of you she pleases as long as the subject matter is not illegal. Even if someone else took them, all she needs is the photographer's permission to post them without copyright infringement.

- Eric Lefebvre - 05-19-2014 09:13 PM

You can't. It's her facebook account and it's her right to post whatever she wants there. If she doesn't want to respect your wishes then there's nothing you can do about it.

- Bubba Freel - 05-19-2014 09:29 PM

Notify FB. Your face is your property, not your mom's. Tell her to take them down or you'll notify FB and they WILL remove photos of you that you don't want there. Also, it's a violation, so if it's bad enough, she'll get kicked off.

You should not be afraid to tell your mother to take these pictures down. It's seriously messed up that she uploaded them in the first place if she didn't ask you.