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how to move up google results? SEO? - Printable Version

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how to move up google results? SEO? - Nikki - 05-19-2014 09:32 PM

two questions really;
how do i move up google results? my page is currently the bottom of page 1

how to edit what google brings back?
mine currently reads;

Dead Even | Romance is dead – a story of love after death
Thank you for visiting. COVER. Dead Even is a story of love after death. Our leading lady was never great with men, and her problems have only gotten worse ...

I have removed the "Thank you for visiting. COVER." from the site but it's still showing in my goodle results?

- Angela - 05-19-2014 09:42 PM

for getting on top you have to put your main keyword at the starting of your title. suppose you are targeting keyword "Dead Even Story" then start your title with "Dead Even story | Romance is dead – a story of love after death" your website is not ranking for keyword "Dead Even" because its a 2 word keyword and it must have lots of competition. also back links plays lead role in Keyword ranking in google.

hope this will help you

- Matt Miller - 05-19-2014 09:54 PM

Read about basic SEO on page and off page techniques and implement them on your website. Don't expect overnight results though. SEO is a process that takes time, but gives you long term results once successfully implemented.

- Luke - 05-19-2014 10:03 PM


You need to be more specific - what term do you want to move up the Google results for?

The snippet that Google brings back is traditionally made up for the page title and meta description. However, the description will often change based on the users search query (Google will try to match their search query with content on your website and will show a snippet of content from your webpage that matches what they've typed in). The meta description that you currently have needs to be improved and made longer (around 145-155 characters long). Use this site to create good Google snippets:

You are on wordpress so I would recommend installing the plug-in "all in one SEO". Using this, you can easily edit and update the page title and description on each page. This should help you control the snippet that is displayed in the search engine for each page.

"I have removed the "Thank you for visiting. COVER." from the site but it's still showing in my goodle results?" - You will have to wait for Google to update their latest cached version of your website. Once they have done so the changes will be displayed in the search results. This should take a couple of weeks max really (for your homepage anyway).

If it's a fairly new site - give it time to reach the top of the page. If the keyword you want to rank for is "Dead Even" I expect you will do given some more time. If you want to look at what else you can do check out this resource: