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how to advertise/market a restaurant? - Printable Version

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how to advertise/market a restaurant? - nous vivons - 10-16-2012 03:31 AM

i recently opened a cafe/bar in a country town and while it's doing great i do want to do some more marketing and try to bring more customers in.

right now i'm having daily specials put up on a board out the front, i've got a facebook page to advertise when bands will be playing and i'm doing a pot and parma night. i was also thinking of doing a mail drop. any other ideas would be fantastic!

- Mavrhiley - 10-16-2012 03:39 AM

If your doing drop mail, do lumpy mail. It sounds funny I know, however we did a marketing course the other day and they showed us lump mail. That put a small item in with the promotional letter to get the Receiver to open it.
You see most people throw out mail that looks like advertising, however if it looks like it has something 'lumpy' in it they tend to open it. The result is they read your letter.
They used a plastic army man as the example and then for your business you could use a subject line as 'solder down to our cafe for the best coffee in town'.

Good luck

- James - 10-16-2012 03:39 AM

Here i have given some tips to market your restaurant.Please have a look on it.
1. Menu Inserts.
2. Menu Boards.
3. Bulletin Boards.
4. Restaurant Servers.