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really need help ! girls opinion would be good? - Printable Version

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really need help ! girls opinion would be good? - 556 - 05-19-2014 10:53 PM

My first love dumped me. I was with her for 2 years. Wr planned futures together. I miss her terribly it's been 2 months. She changed her number and blocked Me on fb. I pushed her away by texting and pleading. How do you truely move on from first love heartbreak and how did she move on soo quick.
I was a bit controlling at times but it was my first relationship I didnt know any better.
Thank you.

- melissa - 05-19-2014 11:03 PM

First love break ups are hard. I know. Everybody is different. Try meeting new people or try to do new things to get your mind off that person. But of course it takes time. Just remember first loves arent really first loves. You just have to learn from the mistakes and become a better partner to the next one that comes around. You'll get through it Smile

- Gerard - 05-19-2014 11:11 PM

Write her a letter and say how you feel about her and how things will be differant if she gives you another chance but if that don't work then don't waste time waiting around try and get back out there

- azaz - 05-19-2014 11:16 PM

Looks like you pushed her away by being controlling. Girls don't like to be controlled in all ways. You're a couple which means that you're partners therefore no one should control the other one. I believe that your ex started hating you a long time ago before you even break up due to the development of that feeling of being controlled. And when you finally broke up, she had a load of pain erased and she doesn't want to get back to you.
You just have to respect her decision and don't push things.

- Sophia - 05-19-2014 11:26 PM

My first serious relatinship ended about a year ago. My partner at the time was controlling and at first i just put up with because i loved him but them it got to much and i finished it. I was heartbroken and so was he, but he understood it couldn't have went on anymore. I blocked him and changed my number, and still haven't spoken to him to this day. I guess for me it was just to much to take and i just cut off all ties because i knew if i didnt i would go back to him and i didnt want to feel the way he made me feel when i was with him. I think your ex might be feeling the same