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Should I poke my crush on FaceBook? - Printable Version

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Should I poke my crush on FaceBook? - Tyler - 05-20-2014 01:11 AM

I'm in grade 8 in school and there's this girl in my class that I can't stop thinking about she's so beautiful and she knows I like her because I told her on FaceBook . After I said to her I like her and I'd like to get to know her as a friend she replied with sense when . Could she like me back btw she has a boyfriend. Ever sense I told her that now in school she constantly looks at me and glances at me in school, she even caught me looking at her before so I looked away and when I looked back she smiled . I really want to talk to her but I'm really shy not just with her but with everyone and she's never online on facebook and when she is she answers back only sometimes should I poke her on facebook or would that creep her out . I poked her in the past but she never poked back and now I'm afraid to poke her .... Please help ?

- Tyler - 05-20-2014 01:24 AM

Do not poke her! It's the most annoying thing on Facebook. There is absolutely no point to it. Just message her and try to find out what kind of things she likes. About a year ago, I found out y crush's favorite TV show, so I watched it. A few months later it came up in conversation, and we talked about the show and that led to other discussion topics. We talked for 4ish hours. Of course, I didn't tell him that I found out he liked it, I just pretended I had known about it for a long time. Take my advice!