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Explain the meaning of "marketing research"? - Printable Version

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Explain the meaning of "marketing research"? - Tabeer - 05-20-2014 02:03 AM

- Howard L - 05-20-2014 02:08 AM

Finding out how big the market is for your product. Are there competing products? How much do they cost? What advantages does your product have over what's already available? How many people might buy your product?

- Mr-Kay - 05-20-2014 02:14 AM

Looking into the demand for your products, what people want. Their specifications and how you can provide them, in an efficient and effective way.

Or people opinions on your products and there suggestions for future developments.

- Dani - 05-20-2014 02:30 AM

Before launching a product/service in a particular area, you need to check whether people in that location need that product, and the demographic details.

Collection those information and making research over the collected data is known as Market research.