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Does it take more, or less, "academic cleverness" to appear sophisticated in gender studies vs., say, mathematics? - Printable Version

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Does it take more, or less, "academic cleverness" to appear sophisticated in gender studies vs., say, mathematics? - 084 - 05-20-2014 02:05 AM

- Common Sense - 05-20-2014 02:14 AM

Cleverness, being academic, sophistication and knowledge are not all the same thing.

I've worked with many academics who were usually knowledgeable in their field but were not sophisticated or clever.

I don't generally follow the MRAs in any detail, but did see Elam in one debate. He started out great, pointing to many irrefutable instances of feminists pushing unequal policies. I thought he had the debate won right there. There was no way his opponent could deny what he said. Rather than address his excellent points, his opponent started attacking him and he fell for it. Rather than getting his opposition to explain the many great points he made, he instead spent the rest of the debate defending himself. He was knowledgeable about the issues, but his opponent was a much more clever debater

- Ebook - 05-20-2014 02:15 AM

math takes more logical thinking, that is higher intelligence or in your words more "academic cleverness". you can test that out, make a math task where someone has to calculate things and only a few ladies and gentlemen will figure the correct answer out, versus a lot of guys and gals will answer a GS question from their emotionality.

- Parrill Apple - 05-20-2014 02:18 AM

More. Mathematics does not change. One plus one will always equal two. The field of gender studies involves constantly changing attitudes, a variety of sometimes conflicting cultural views and traditions, and where once there was only male and female, now there are possibly hundreds of different ways to express gender on facebook alone.
It takes many geniuses to build a study from the ground up. Mathematics majors are standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before them. Einstein once wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in strict rote learning.

Einstein thought education is that which helps someone think something that can’t be learned from textbooks. See Reopening Einstein’s Thought: About What Can’t Be Learned from Textbooks. Sense Publishers, 2008. And Einstein in Zen: Learning to Learn. Peter Lang Publishing, 2010.

- Pretty Little Liar - 05-20-2014 02:21 AM
