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Should I be mad at my friend? - Printable Version

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Should I be mad at my friend? - 544 - 05-20-2014 02:12 AM

So we're both 19 year old guys going to different colleges. I try to keep in touch with him but he never seems to respond to me. I know he's not trying to be mean and I do think he still wants to be my friend because when he went home for a break he texted me wanting to hang out while he was home (I didn't have a break then though). But in the past month I've texted him 4 times, called him once and messaged him on Facebook once (which I know he read) and he hasn't responded. And I did ask him a question so it did warrant a response. Stuff like this has happened before and he just acts like it never happened. You'll probably say I'm overreacting but even people who aren't my friends will respond to me. I want to be mad at him but I know he's not purposely being mean. But he obviously just doesn't care that much and I'm tired of putting up with it. You'll probably say just talk to him but I'd rather not do that. I feel like it would just be awkward for two guys to talk about their feelings and we're both pretty quiet to start with. And I can't make him care more. What should I do?

- kman - 05-20-2014 02:16 AM

You are both so young. Busy and making brand new circles of friends. It's the same as it was in intermediate school. Friends you might have had for those few years branch off and meet others when you get older and move up, on, and grow. yes and sometimes we forget about old friends. It happens at the next level too. High school, and even the next It's the cycle as lives and attitudes change when you are young and maturing. U can't take it personal. Just be the best person you can be and friends will all the sudden just show up. Oh and I forgot to add... maybe he met someone and is getting serious? Sometimes in young love and infatuation we have a tendency to forget about our friends when we are dealing with a new relationship, or especially a toxic one.

- Pearl L - 05-20-2014 02:29 AM

yes, i would be