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why is it so awkward with me and my boyfriend we barley talk at school but we talk heaps on fb!!!!? - Printable Version

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why is it so awkward with me and my boyfriend we barley talk at school but we talk heaps on fb!!!!? - 197 - 05-20-2014 02:30 AM

- ? - 05-20-2014 02:46 AM

Maybe he's conscious about doing something wrong in front of you, so he talks to you on line

- GINGER - 05-20-2014 02:52 AM

If you can't talk in person it's not a real relationship.

- Chris Sellick - 05-20-2014 03:04 AM

Chatting online isnt good for relationships.You both need to start getting to know each other in person.Ask each other questions about hobbies,favourite pets,foods,movies,just talk in person.What do you want to know about him? Just ask him.When you aretogether in person you have to communicate.You can play the game 20 questions.Take it in turn of asking each other questions.You can then play "truth or dare".Thats where you take it in turns of asking each other a question or daring them to do/say something.Its another version of 20 questions.You both need to improve your face to face skills.

- Nicky - 05-20-2014 03:07 AM

Your never going to really know him until you start talking to him in person. Ask him to take you on a date and try to really get to know him. And since you talk to him so much on Facebook you'll have something to go from instead of being random.

- Nicole - 05-20-2014 03:12 AM

He could be nervous when he's talking to you in person. And talking online gives him more time to think about his answer. But he probably still likes you. If you think he does get nervous, then try to make him more comfortable when he's talking to you at school. Hope this helped

Answer my question please Smile

- Paulami Roy - 05-20-2014 03:23 AM

Its normal. Maybe you both are still shy and not comfortable with each other yet. You can try to talk to him more when infront. In this way he will also get into talking with you more when infront. Then both will get more comfortable with each other and you will naturally be talking with each other infront. Who knows, what you are asking here, maybe he is asking the same question to himself. And someone has to take the first step! So, why dont you just try the best from your part! This will also make you more confident and make him more comfortable towards you. All the best!