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What kind of computer do I need to start a niche website? - Printable Version

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What kind of computer do I need to start a niche website? - Adam - 05-20-2014 06:15 AM

Would a basic laptop or desktop suffice? Id like to sell 30+ products through offering advice on the subject and reviews. Id also like to maintain traffic by having forums, membership(free) and youtube videos related to the niche. If " basic" wont cut it, what specs should i look for when shopping for pc's?

- Donald - 05-20-2014 06:23 AM

Yes. A basic laptop or desktop would suffice.

Most of the activity will occur online, with your hosting company. There will be very little processing or activity burden on your own computer. The "extras" you mention also would be handled through your web host. Unless you were planning on using your computer as a server (which you aren't), you really don't need much in the way of computing power.

Hope that helps.

- Jake - 05-20-2014 06:28 AM

Yea just to be clear almost nobody hosts their own web site , that computer wold be just for editing purposes. You could get by with any kind of PC, your internet connection speed might be as important as the computer speed, certainly you want data backup plans in mind, like external data drives to help preserve the site, though many hosts also provide backup on their end.

It may be a long journey to create a successful affiliate site, it's probably too challenging to create a forum just to snag prospects, I would concentrate on creating a publication (site) with superior content that earns search engine ranking and attracts lots of visitors, that actual selling part should appear as a secondary, afterthought pat of the site. is a hangout for lots of affiliate marketers doing very similar things. You can find ready made niche review sites for Amazon affiliates for sale in their WSO section.

- PanditaCJP - 05-20-2014 06:33 AM

You only really need internet access, unless you want to host your website yourself in which case you'll need a server or computer that will be on all the time. In most cases a basic computer with internet access is all you need, if you are planning on using something like Dreamweaver (which you don't really need) then you'll need better specs to have it run smoothly.