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Site Build It, or another as good? - Printable Version

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Site Build It, or another as good? - Mike - 05-20-2014 09:31 AM

Recently heard about this site and have been perusing it for several days, Would like to correspond with any members therein before even attempting the trial offer. Also heard of Free Site Signup which does appear to be a scam.
One of the things I'm wary about is PPC. Am I right in thinking that this is inevitable for anyone attempting $omething online? Also heard one might need to dish out $300 for a Yahoo review.
Just looking for an orientation from experienced folks as it appears you can't join the forum until you sign up.
Many of those free ebooks (as well as testimonials I might add) sound like ads in themselves. I'd prefer to find something a Bit more stream lined as this is vast. But if they've a succinct step by step walk through I might give it a try.
Some of those site's themes appear to me as ridiculous. Dinner meal ideas, kid's birthdays, juggling etc. These sites make money?
Geez. Think I'll check out those other alternatives mentioned in that same thread. Thanks.

- Tracy - 05-20-2014 09:42 AM

I wouldn't recommend the whole site build it thing to anyone. I wasted 5 years of my life fooling around with them. Problem is their system is drastically outdated and ineffective. Also they have false advertising claims to woo in new customers. Don't even get me started because this answer can't hold everything I have to dish out about this company. I'd suggest that you take the time to read this thread about SBI all the way through. It's a heated debate that I'm sure will enlighten you!